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Hiv aids essay

Hiv aids essay

HIV and AIDS Essay,FAQs on Essay on AIDS

Web+ Words Essay on AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or better known as AIDS is a life-threatening disease. It is one of the most dreaded diseases of the 20 th WebIntroduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus, abbreviated as HIV, attacks the body’s immune system, and if left untreated, it can cause AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency WebHIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which damages and kills cells of the immune system. It attacks the T-cells, key cells of the immune system, and uses them to WebAIDS was first recognized by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in and its cause, HIV infection was identified in the early part of the decade. Since its WebEssay Sample. words essay on: HIV-AIDS AIDS, The full form is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immune Deficiency ... read more

This leads to the acquired immune deficiency syndrome Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, This information disputes the general misconception that AIDS is the communicable disease when it is actually a disorder of the immune system that is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Need A Unique Essay on "HIV and AIDS"? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that there are stages that are used to track the progression and severity of the virus. The Acute infection stage is the initial infection period and symptoms begin between two and four weeks of exposure. These symptoms which are called acute retroviral syndrome ARS , are similar to flu-like symptoms and do not occur in all patients. The second stage is the Clinical latency inactivity or dormancy.

During this stage, the virus is active but remains so at a very low level. Unlike the misconception that HIV patients can only live for a short time, individuals can live for decades during this stage. The final stage of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the previously mentioned acquired immune deficiency syndrome. During this stage, the patient is highly susceptible to other infections and diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Risk Factors It is important to note that anyone can get the Human Immunodeficiency Virus as it is transmitted through the bodily fluids of a person who is infected. WebMd states that approximately 50, people get HIV every year in the United States and that these individuals include males and females of all ages, races, and sexual orientation.

For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that African Americans are at a greater risk of getting HIV than any other race Figure 1. The website also noted that men are at a higher risk than females. Additionally, it has been noted that there is a significant risk of getting HIV for those who live with economic hardships Figure 2. These risks are associated with poor living conditions and lifestyle chooses in the impoverished communities that lead to risky behaviors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Prevention According to Avert the first step in preventing the spread of HIV is through proper education. The concept is that understanding the risky behaviors that can lead to transmission should minimize these behaviors.

Of these behaviors, the two most common means of transmission in the United States are unprotected sex and sharing needles for the purpose of drug use. Therefore, the prevention methods that are explained by Avert are the use of condoms used with lubricant to prevent the risks of rips and avoiding needle drugs or at minimum not sharing needles Avert, There are many ways that the education about HIV could be improved. Although it is discussed in schools and the literature is available online and through the public health department, the stigmas and myths about the virus prevent many individuals from seeking information.

Efforts should be made to eliminate these obstacles. About thirty years ago HIV was discovered as a transition from chimpanzees to humans in West Africa. The researchers believed that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated when humans hunted these chimpanzees for food, coming into contact with their infected blood. In the U. As a result, HIV is not completely curable, but there are ways to control it. Testing positive for HIV now provides updates of additional information not known about including causes, signs, treatment, and prevention. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV is responsible for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AIDS and attacks the T-4 lymphocytes, which are a fundamental part of the immune system of man.

As a result, reduces the responsiveness of the organism to cope with opportunistic infections caused by viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and other microorganisms. At the moment in which the AIDS virus is spreading with frightening speed and very dangerous and that there is a collective concern about AIDS, we must cling to developing our greatest means of defense known so far, which is information. Although AIDS is deadly, it can be prevented, and in that sense we all have an obligation to be met by seeking and disseminating information. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research AIDS and HIV Essay. AIDS and HIV Essay Better Essays.

Open Document. HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which damages and kills cells of the immune system. It attacks the T-cells, key cells of the immune system, and uses them to make copies of itself. After being infected with the virus it progressively interferes and eventually destroys the immune system's ability to fight the anti-genes. HIV may develop into the syndrome AIDS , the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. HIV is an STD - a sexually transmitted disease - and therefore most commonly it is spread through sexual contact, and the virus mainly enters the body through the penis, mouth, lining of the vagina or vulva during sexual activity. HIV can also be spread through sharing syringes or needles with someone who is infected with the …show more content… This often leads to them being treated differently and badly.

Often, they get the denial of education for HIV positive children, the denial of equal opportunities for employment and the lack of access to equal health care. HIV is a virus that is spread almost all over the world. Second highest is Eastern Europe together with Central Asia with 1. Currently, there are no vaccines and no cures for HIV or AIDS, although scientists are researching and finding new drugs and treatments. So far, scientists have discovered a variety of drugs and medication that can be used to control and slow the virus and the progression of the disease. There are some drugs which interfere with the virus ability to make copies of itself by disabling a protein it needs, like Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. If someone is diagnosed with HIV, it is important to start with treatments as soon as possible.

In Sweden, where I live, the disease is not even seen as deadly anymore. Only approximately 6, Swedes are today infected. Get Access. Better Essays. HIV and AIDS: The Epidemic Essay example Words 7 Pages 6 Works Cited. HIV and AIDS: The Epidemic Essay example. Read More. Good Essays. HIV and AIDS Essay Words 5 Pages. HIV and AIDS Essay. Decent Essays. Hiv-1 Essay Words 5 Pages. Hiv-1 Essay. Hiv Aids Research Paper Words 5 Pages. Hiv Aids Research Paper. Hiv Stands For Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This Is A Words 4 Pages. This Is A. The Movie Dallas Buyers Club Essay Words 6 Pages. The Movie Dallas Buyers Club Essay. Essay on Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases: HIV Words 6 Pages. Essay on Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases: HIV. African Americans With Hiv Hiv Words 6 Pages.

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One of the deadliest and most destructive ailments that has gripped human society is the pandemic known as AIDS. The disease itself is a retro-viral disease with its pathogen known as HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. However, HIV does not mean AIDS always as many HIV patients can take the help of medicines and stay HIV positive. The biggest reason for the massive spread of the disease is due to its ease of transmission. Among its various modes of transmission, the most pertinent is through body fluids like blood. Many a time unscreened or not properly screened blood is transfused into patients which results in HIV transmission.

Multiple uses of syringes etc is another such mode. Another mode is through a pregnant mother into her unborn child. The spread can also materialize post-birth through breast milk. The third and probably the easiest one to avoid is through unprotected sexual activity. The threat of this disease can be traced by its difficult to identify symptoms. Most of the early symptoms are that of the common flu with joint pains, fever, a period of chills and profuse sweating, glandular infection, tiredness, and sudden weight loss, etc. After the disease has progressed, there are more severe symptoms like diarrhea, etc. However, the most lethal is Tuberculosis which causes the most HIV related deaths. India, unfortunately, is the site for the worst number and cases of such fatalities which are showing no signs of abatement.

The sad reality is that there exists no cure for AIDS. The progression can be slowed or stopped by anti-retro-viral drugs and therapy. This can significantly enhance the quality and longevity of the patient. However, there is no absolute remedy for the disease. Even more difficult than physical destruction is the psychological blow that is dealt with by anyone who is diagnosed with such a condition. Herein lies the biggest threat of HIV and must be addressed and corrected to help give the people with the disease a fighting a chance. Have you read these?

Essay on HIV/AIDS: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention,HIV and AIDS: The Epidemic Essay example

WebHIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus which damages and kills cells of the immune system. It attacks the T-cells, key cells of the immune system, and uses them to WebAIDS was first recognized by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in and its cause, HIV infection was identified in the early part of the decade. Since its WebIntroduction Human Immunodeficiency Virus, abbreviated as HIV, attacks the body’s immune system, and if left untreated, it can cause AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency WebEssay Sample. words essay on: HIV-AIDS AIDS, The full form is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immune Deficiency WebEssay on HIV AIDS. One of the deadliest and most destructive ailments that has gripped human society is the pandemic known as AIDS. The disease itself is a retro-viral disease WebHIV and AIDS words 4 page (s) Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). According to WebMd (), ... read more

AIDS Essay. Multiple uses of syringes etc is another such mode. We use cookies to provide you with the services at our best. The spread can also materialize post-birth through breast milk. Need a plagiarism free essay written by an educator? The virus destroys these cells and can eventually weaken the immune system to the point that the body can no longer fight off infections or other diseases. The victims should always look for influenza-like symptoms.

HIV is a virus that is spread almost all over the world. The infection may be manifested by symptoms such as rapid loss of weight, recurring fever, extreme tiredness, prolonged swelling of the lymph glands in the groin, armpits, or neck, sores in the mouth, diarrhea that lasts for more than a week, or memory loss and other neurologic disorder Nasuuna et al. This occurs in the case when one is sexually exposed to a person with HIV. When someone has HIV, hiv aids essay, their immune system is weakened. In. It is important to note that despite the progress in promoting national coverage, health problems remain to afflict communities and interfere hiv aids essay their capacity to function regularly. However, the serological tests aim at detecting the antibodies hiv aids essay an individual produce due to their immune systems fighting off foreign pathogens and not specifically the HIV direct testing.

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