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Cause and effect essay pollution

Cause and effect essay pollution

Pollution - Cause and Effect Essay,Air Pollution Causes

WebJun 23,  · Causes and Effects of Pollution. Topic: Pollution Words: Pages: 2 Jun 23rd, The environment people live in is affecting them, including health and WebNot only is it extremely harmful to the environment, but it’s extremely harmful to humans. Pollution is caused by a variety of manmade objects such as vehicles or power plants. WebSep 20,  · Air Pollution Causes. Air pollution is the result of fossil fuel emissions that are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few Webthe effects are felt immediately. The effects of air pollution are alarming. They are known to create several heart and respiratory conditions along with cancer and other threats to ... read more

Air pollution is the result of fossil fuel emissions that are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few sources. The vast majority of this excessive fuel consumption and its poisonous, pollutant and greenhouse-enhancing byproducts are located in the U. Other pollutant gases expelled into the atmosphere include methane, which is released when vegetation is burned during land clearing, during oil exploration activities and the coal-mining process; chlorofluorocarbons CFCs , which is the substance that cools refrigerators and provides the propulsion in aerosol cans and nitrous oxide N 2 O which is the lesser cause of CO 2 Breuer, The most concerning air pollutant is CO 2.

It is generated from both man-made and natural processes. It is estimated that man-made influences represents about half of the CO 2 output. Motor vehicles are a major cause of air pollution as is fuel burned for the heating of homes and powering industry along with the toxins emitted from stacks at coal-burning power plants. The effects of air pollution are far-reaching and cannot be escaped by staying inside the home as indoor air pollution can be harmful, caused by such things as poor ventilation, mold and microbe-harboring air conditioning systems and ducts. Pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides cause immediate and irreparable damage to the leaf pores of plants and trees.

Persistent exposure of leaves to air pollutants breaks down the waxy coating which normally acts to prevent too much water loss and helps protects the leaves from diseases, pests, drought and frost. If the population of the planet were to immediately discontinue polluting the air with carbon dioxide emissions, climate changes would still continue long into the future. It increases the percentage of the carbon-dioxide and makes breathing difficult. Agricultural activities: Agriculture has been one of the primary sources of occupation since time immemorial but due to growing population, the farmers are hard pressed to increase crop production.

It is only possible with the help of chemical fertilizers and they in turn cause soil pollution. Vehicular emission: Modern vehicles tend to emit a lot of pollution in the air due to the burning of the combustion engine. Due to the implementation of the stricter norms, the level of the soot and carbon has decreased the nevertheless number of people buying a car has increased and it has enhanced the cumulative quantity of the pollutants in the atmosphere. Industrial activities: Growing population and developing economy has resulted in massive industrialization. Big and small companies are opening manufacturing plants to produce goods and accessories. Some of the units release pollutants as the bye product.

For instance, dye making factories are known to cause pollution no matter how they follow the norms of the government. Rise of carbon mono oxide: The rise of the carbon content in the atmosphere is accompanied by the global warning. As a result, the average temperature of the environment increases. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Air Pollution: Causes and Effects Subject: Environment Category: Human Impact , Environment Problems Essay Topic: Air Pollution , Environmental Issues , Pollution Page: 1 Words: Published: 01 March Downloads: Download Print.

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Pollution is the modern day scourge that has affected the various facets of modern life. In big cities we witness hazy skies creating problems for the inhabitants and causing numerous diseases. More often than not, internet and newspapers are filled with information about the increase in the levels of the carbon monoxide and Sulfur Dioxide in the atmosphere. In fact, now it is well known that pollution is caused due to various reasons. Therefore, in the below-mentioned paragraph, we enumerate the causes as well as the effects. Mining: Industrial mining of the minerals is considered as one of the primary causes of pollution. For instance, Coal is required to produce electricity; therefore toxic thermal fumes are emitted into the atmosphere from the mines.

It increases the percentage of the carbon-dioxide and makes breathing difficult. Agricultural activities: Agriculture has been one of the primary sources of occupation since time immemorial but due to growing population, the farmers are hard pressed to increase crop production. It is only possible with the help of chemical fertilizers and they in turn cause soil pollution. Vehicular emission: Modern vehicles tend to emit a lot of pollution in the air due to the burning of the combustion engine. Due to the implementation of the stricter norms, the level of the soot and carbon has decreased the nevertheless number of people buying a car has increased and it has enhanced the cumulative quantity of the pollutants in the atmosphere. Industrial activities: Growing population and developing economy has resulted in massive industrialization.

Big and small companies are opening manufacturing plants to produce goods and accessories. Some of the units release pollutants as the bye product. For instance, dye making factories are known to cause pollution no matter how they follow the norms of the government. Rise of carbon mono oxide: The rise of the carbon content in the atmosphere is accompanied by the global warning. As a result, the average temperature of the environment increases. Scientists have predicted that the world will face more floods because the glaciers in the mountains may melt.

It is bound to cause untold destruction to the people in plains. Health issues: Look at your vicinity and you would find a lot of people suffering from respiratory trouble. Moreover, people exposed to harmful pollutants are likely to suffer from cancer and other types of life-threatening diseases. Ozone layer depletion: Ozone layer plays an important role in the protection of the environment as it blocks the entry of the harmful ultraviolet rays. Increased level of radiation can cause skin cancer to the individuals. Carbon reacts with ozone gas resulting in its depletion in the atmosphere.

Moreover, appliances that release CFC or chlorofluorocarbons can cause similar issues. Infertility: Indiscriminate use of fertilizers such as pesticides and insecticides can reduce the fertility of the soil and result in the reduction of the crop production. In short, it would create huge problems in the form of famine and starvation of the general population. Pollution causes and effects. Causes of pollution: Mining: Industrial mining of the minerals is considered as one of the primary causes of pollution. Effects of pollution: Rise of carbon mono oxide: The rise of the carbon content in the atmosphere is accompanied by the global warning.

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Cause And Effect Essay On Pollution,Introduction

Webthe effects are felt immediately. The effects of air pollution are alarming. They are known to create several heart and respiratory conditions along with cancer and other threats to WebJun 23,  · Causes and Effects of Pollution. Topic: Pollution Words: Pages: 2 Jun 23rd, The environment people live in is affecting them, including health and WebNot only is it extremely harmful to the environment, but it’s extremely harmful to humans. Pollution is caused by a variety of manmade objects such as vehicles or power plants. WebSep 20,  · Air Pollution Causes. Air pollution is the result of fossil fuel emissions that are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few ... read more

cities that contain numerous vehicles and are located in warm, dry climates. Primary pollutants are any pollutants emitted directly from [ Infertility: Indiscriminate use of fertilizers such as pesticides and insecticides can reduce the fertility of the soil and result in the reduction of the crop production. Vehicular emission: Modern vehicles tend to emit a lot of pollution in the air due to the burning of the combustion engine. The Rise of Environmental Pollution and Its Harmful Effects Essay Environmental pollution is a mixture of harmful pollutants that interfere with natural processes and circulation in the environment.

It is hoped that the students will understand reasonably well on the principles of environmental engineering and are better prepared to follow other pertinent courses later. Create Flashcards. Health issues: Look at your vicinity and you would find a lot of people suffering from respiratory trouble. Persistent exposure of leaves to air pollutants breaks down the waxy coating which normally acts to prevent too much water loss and helps cause and effect essay pollution the leaves from diseases, pests, drought and frost. Kedir Yimam.

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